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leerkF thamM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiเลิก-ทำ
IPAlɤ̂ːk tʰam
Royal Thai General Systemloek tham

to cease (doing something); stop (a particular action); abort (a process)

componentsเลิก leerkFto quit; to stop; to give up; cancel; suspend; discontinue; abolish; cease; exit; split up
ทำ thamMto do or perform an action; cause or effect a result; work
naH yo:hM baaiM theeF samR khanM eekL bpraL gaanM neungL gaawF kheuuM gaanM leerkF thamM haiF saamR jangM watL chaaiM daaenM phaakF dtaaiF bpenM daaenM sohnR thaH yaaM reuuR thangR khaL yaL samR rapL jaoF naaF theeF theeF maiF daiF khwaamM
"Another important policy is to stop treating the three Southern provinces as a twilight zone or a trash can for underperforming civil servants."
เธอคิดในใจนิ่งรอเก็บเงินได้สักก้อนจะเลิกทำอาชีพนี้ แล้วเอาทุนไปเปิดร้านขายน้ำเล็ก
thuuhrM khitH naiM jaiM ningF raawM gepL ngernM daiF sakL gaawnF jaL leerkF thamM aaM cheepF neeH laaeoH aoM thoonM bpaiM bpeertL raanH khaaiR naamH lekH
"She had the bud of an idea that when she would accumulate a bit of money doing this kind of work, she would then use the money to open a small [coffee] shop."
คนดีไม่ใช่คนที่ไม่ได้ทำผิด แต่คนดีคือคนที่สำนึกผิดและเลิกทำ
khohnM deeM maiF chaiF khohnM theeF maiF daiF thamM phitL dtaaeL khohnM deeM kheuuM khohnM theeF samR neukH phitL laeH leerkF thamM
"A good person is not someone who never committed a wrong, but rather, is someone who considered doing something wrong, but did not do so."

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