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phaaiM reuuaM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiพาย-เรือ
IPApʰaːj rɯːa
Royal Thai General Systemphai ruea

1.   [verb]
to row a boat; to paddle a small boat or canoe

componentsพาย phaaiMto row; to paddle
เรือ reuuaMboat; ship; barge; vessel; navy
exampleผู้ชายพายเรือphuuF chaaiM phaaiM reuuaMordinary joe; regular guy
สามวันต่อมา ลุงใสพายเรือลำเล็กออกไปกลางทุ่งนา
saamR wanM dtaawL maaM loongM saiR phaaiM reuuaM lamM lekH aawkL bpaiM glaangM thoongF naaM
"Three days later, Uncle Sai paddled his small boat into his fields."
thuuhrM phaH yaaM yaamM phaaiM reuuaM haiF theungR fangL
"She tried to row the boat so that she could reach the short."
phaaiM reuuaM naawyH khlaawyH khleuuanF naiM saaR khaawnM
"I paddle my little boat and float down the stream."
jitL jaiM laawyM bpaiM theungR aL deetL dtaawnM theeF bpenM dekL waiH phohmR bpiiaM theeF kheeuyM khaengL jakL graL yaanM gapL pheuuanF laeH kheeuyM maaM phaaiM reuuaM lenF theeF thaH laehM saapL haengL neeH naiM naaF raawnH dtaawnM bpitL theermM
"Her mind wandered to the past when she was a young girl in pigtails when she would race her bicycle with her friends and row boats here at the Hoan Kiem Lake during the summer school break."
2. การพายเรือ  gaanM phaaiM reuuaM  [noun]

componentsการgaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
พาย phaaiMto row; to paddle
เรือ reuuaMboat; ship; barge; vessel; navy
gaanM phaaiM reuuaM thuaanM naamH dtawngF chaiH gamM langM bpenM thaH weeM khuunM
"Rowing against the current requires double the amount of effort."

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