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thamM tho:htF
Royal Institute - 1982
ทำโทษ  /ทำ-โทด/
[กริยา] ลงโทษ.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiทำ-โทด
IPAtʰam tʰôːt
Royal Thai General Systemtham thot

1.   [verb]
to punish

componentsทำ thamMto do or perform an action; cause or effect a result; work
โทษ tho:htFpunishment; penalty; penance; guilt; blame; offence; crime; penalty; ill-effect; harm; danger; fault; defect; sinfulness; misdeed
khaoR maiF daiF neeR ro:hngM riianM dtaaeL gaawF phlaawyM faaH phlaawyM fohnR thuukL thamM tho:htF bpaiM duayF
"He did not run away from school but he too was punished along with the others."
ครูที่สอนภาษาไทยเป็นคนเข้มงวดมาก ถ้าเด็กทำผิดจะทำโทษแบบแปลกเช่น บีบจมูก บิดหู
khruuM theeF saawnR phaaM saaR thaiM bpenM khohnM khemF nguaatF maakF thaaF dekL thamM phitL jaL thamM tho:htF baaepL bplaaekL chenF beepL jaL muukL bitL huuR
"The Thai language teacher is a real disciplinarian. If a student makes a mistake, the teacher punishes him in very strange ways like pinching his nose or twisting his ear."
นายกองทำโทษทหารที่มาสาย โดยให้วิดพื้น ๑๐๐ ครั้ง
naaiM gaawngM thamM tho:htF thaH haanR theeF maaM saaiR dooyM haiF witH pheuunH raawyH khrangH
"The commander punished the soldiers who arrived late by having them do 100 pushups."
บาปย่อมทำโทษซ้ำ ใส่ผู้บาปเอง
baapL yaawmF thamM tho:htF samH saiL phuuF baapL aehngM
Wickedness punishes us sinners ourselves.
2. การทำโทษ  gaanM thamM tho:htF  [noun]
punishment; penalty

componentsการgaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
ทำ thamMto do or perform an action; cause or effect a result; work
โทษ tho:htFpunishment; penalty; penance; guilt; blame; offence; crime; penalty; ill-effect; harm; danger; fault; defect; sinfulness; misdeed
synonymทันฑกรรมthanM daL gamM maHpenalty; sanction; punishment

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