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ระนอง-ระยอง-ยะลา raH naawngM raH yaawngM yaH laaM |
pronunciation guide | |
Phonemic Thai | ระ-นอง-ระ-ยอง-ยะ-ลา |
IPA | ráʔ nɔːŋ ráʔ jɔːŋ jáʔ laː |
Royal Thai General System | ranong rayong yala |
[noun, proper noun, geographical, phrase, colloquial] | |||
definition | [tongue twister] Ranong-Rayong-Yala (province names) | ||
categories | |||
components | ระนอง | raH naawngM | Ranong, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 143,397 (rank 76 of 76) |
ระยอง | raH yaawngM | Rayong, a province in central Thailand with a 1995 population of 477,895 (rank 49 of 76) | |
ยะลา | yaH laaM | Yala, a province in southern Thailand with a 1995 population of 399,364 (rank 60 of 76) | |
related words | |||
หมู-หมึก-กุ้ง | muuR meukL goongF | [tongue twister] Pork-Squid-Shrimp (repeat this one many times consecutively!) | |