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thohtH thaaenM
Royal Institute - 1982
ทดแทน  /ทด-แทน/
[กริยา] ตอบแทน, ชดเชย.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiทด-แทน
IPAtʰót tʰɛːn
Royal Thai General Systemthot thaen

1.   [verb, transitive]
to return; pay back (an obligation); reward; compensate; recompense (for losses); indemnify; reimburse; replace (casualties); substitute for

componentsทด thohtHto reciprocate; repay; give in return; recompense; reimburse
แทน thaaenMto subsitute; represent; replace
examplesกองทุนทดแทนgaawngM thoonM thohtH thaaenM“Replacement Funds” — “Substitute Funds” — “Compensation Funds”
เงินสินไหมทดแทนngernM sinR maiR thohtH thaaenMa fine
ค่าทดแทนkhaaF thohtH thaaenMrecompensation; repayment
พลังงานทดแทนphaH langM ngaanM thohtH thaaenMalternative energy
เกลือทดแทนgleuuaM thohtH thaaenMsalt substitute
ค่าสินไหมทดแทนkhaaF sinR maiR thohtH thaaenMindemnity; recompense; compensation
dtaaeL gaanM dteerpL dto:hM khaawngR eeM bookH reuuR gaanM sangL seuuH nangR seuuR phaanL aawnM laiM yangM maiF saaR maatF khaoF bpaiM thohtH thaaenM gaanM jamM naaiL phaanL raanH nangR seuuR daiF
"But the growth of e-books or selling books online have not been an effective substitute for selling books through brick and mortar bookstores."
anM namM khwaamM saoF saL lohtL maaM suuL khraawpF khruaaM khaawngR phuuF siiaR cheeM witH yaangL maiF aatL jaL haaR aL raiM maaM thohtH thaaenM daiF
"All this brings great unhappiness to the families of those who have lost their lives; these families can find nothing to replace [their loved ones]."
เขาเอาแต่ถามตัวเองว่า จะทำอย่างไรถึงจะทดแทนความรู้สึกกำพร้าแม่ของลูกได้?
khaoR aoM dtaaeL thaamR dtuaaM aehngM waaF jaL thamM yaangL raiM theungR jaL thohtH thaaenM khwaamM ruuH seukL gamM phraaH maaeF khaawngR luukF daiF
"He merely asked himself what could he do to compensate for his son’s feelings of being orphaned from his mother."
"ทดแทนคุณบิดา มารดา และจงเป็นศาสนทายาท สืบต่อพระพุทธศาสนาด้วยดี"
thohtH thaaenM khoonM biL daaM maanM daaM laeH johngM bpenM saaR saL naH thaaM yaatF seuupL dtaawL phraH phootH thaH saatL saL naaR duayF deeM
"“[And] to repay the obligation you have to your parents, [we hope you will] carry on the traditional religious practices and effectively pass on the Buddhist faith.”"
2. การทดแทน  gaanM thohtH thaaenM  [noun]
compensation; recompense; return

componentsการgaanM[placed before a verb or noun to create a noun which indicates a general activity, process, or state] the process of..., the activity of..., an enactment of..., the state of... [see notes]
ทด thohtHto reciprocate; repay; give in return; recompense; reimburse
แทน thaaenMto subsitute; represent; replace
synonymการตอบแทนgaanM dtaawpL thaaenMcompensation; recompense; return; reward

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