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รอบคอบ  raawpF khaawpF 
contents of this page
1.รอบคอบraawpF khaawpFto look around carefully
2.รอบคอบraawpF khaawpF[is] thorough; careful; complete; exhaustive; prudent
3.อย่างรอบคอบyaangL raawpF khaawpFthoroughly; carefully; completely; exhaustively
4.ความรอบคอบkhwaamM raawpF khaawpFcarefulness; thoroughness

Royal Institute - 1982
รอบคอบ  /รอบ-คอบ/
[วิเศษณ์] ทั่ว, ถ้วนถี่, ระวังเหตุการณ์ข้างหน้าข้างหลังเสมอ, ไม่เผอเรอ.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiรอบ-คอบ
IPArɔ̂ːp kʰɔ̂ːp
Royal Thai General Systemropkhop

1.   [verb]
to look around carefully

exampleโดยสุขุมรอบคอบdooyM sooL khoomR raawpF khaawpFin a discreet manner; discreetly
haehtL phohnR suaanL neungL maaM jaakL dtraL nakL ruuH theungR khaawF phitL phlaatF baangM jootL theeF geertL kheunF jaakL khwaamM maiF raawpF khaawpF khaawngR dtuaaM aehngM
"One of the reasons came from the realization that their error in part arose from their own lack of caution and discretion."
khaoR phleeR phlaamR khaoF bpaiM naiM khaaiF khaawngR satL dtruuM dooyM maiF thanM waangM phaaenR haiF raawpF khaawpF
"He too hastily rushed into the enemy camp without a thorough plan."
นี้เป็นเรื่องที่รัฐบาลซึ่งเป็นผู้ตัดสินใจขั้นสูงสุด จะต้องชั่งน้ำหนักผลดีผลเสียทุกอย่างให้รอบคอบรัดกุม
neeH bpenM reuuangF theeF ratH thaL baanM seungF bpenM phuuF dtatL sinR jaiM khanF suungR sootL jaL dtawngF changF namH nakL phohnR deeM phohnR siiaR thookH yaangL haiF raawpF khaawpF ratH goomM
"This is an issue regarding which the government, as the ultimate decision-maker, needs to carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages from every angle."
สิ่งที่ต้องรอบคอบมากที่สุด คือ ความคิด
singL theeF dtawngF raawpF khaawpF maakF theeF sootL kheuuM khwaamM khitH
The thing we must be most careful about are our thoughts.
2.   [adjective]
[is] thorough; careful; complete; exhaustive; prudent

related wordรอบด้านraawpF daanFfully; in all respects; across the entire spectrum
examplesรอบคอบและรัดกุมraawpF khaawpF laeH ratH goomM[is] complete and comprehensive
คิดให้รอบคอบkhitH haiF raawpF khaawpFto carefully consider
โดยสุขุมรอบคอบdooyM sooL khoomR raawpF khaawpFwith an overall calmness
gaanM dtatL sinR jaiM neeH daiF phaanL gaanM phiH jaaM raH naaM yaangL raawpF khaawpF laaeoH
"The decision was made with careful consideration."
เราทราบว่าทุกอย่างเป็นไปตามขั้นตอนการตรวจสอบ ซึ่งกำชับให้ดูแลให้รอบคอบ และให้เกิดความชัดเจน เพื่อหาข้อยุติเรื่องดังกล่าวโดยเร็วที่สุด
raoM saapF waaF thookH yaangL bpenM bpaiM dtaamM khanF dtaawnM gaanM dtruaatL saawpL seungF gamM chapH haiF duuM laaeM haiF raawpF khaawpF laeH haiF geertL khwaamM chatH jaehnM pheuuaF haaR khaawF yootH dtiL reuuangF dangM glaaoL dooyM reoM theeF sootL
"We know that everything has been done according to (established) investigative procedures which emphasize thorough and complete care to create clarity in order to bring this matter to a conclusion as quickly as possible."
พ่อรอบคอบพอที่จะไม่พูดอะไรออกไปแบบสุ่มสี่สุ่มห้า เพราะคนที่พูดด้วยไม่รู้ว่าใครเป็นใคร
phaawF raawpF khaawpF phaawM theeF jaL maiF phuutF aL raiM aawkL bpaiM baaepL soomL seeL soomL haaF phrawH khohnM theeF phuutF duayF maiF ruuH waaF khraiM bpenM khraiM
"My father was circumspect enough not to say anything carelessly in public because he was not sure of [the political positions] of the people to whom he was speaking."
หากเขาเผลอไผลทำงานไม่รอบคอบอย่างนี้อีก เห็นจะถูกลงโทษ
haakL khaoR phluuhrR phlaiR thamM ngaanM maiF raawpF khaawpF yaangL neeH eekL henR jaL thuukL lohngM tho:htF
"If he continues to perform his duties unconsciously and automatically, I think he needs to be punished."
thamM maiM thanF theungR maiF raawpF khaawpF baaepL neeH
"How come you are so careless?" "Why aren't you careful?"
3. อย่างรอบคอบ  yaangL raawpF khaawpF  [adverb]
thoroughly; carefully; completely; exhaustively

synonymอย่างพินิจพิเคราะห์yaangL phiH nitH phiH khrawHcarefully; thouroughly; deliberately
exampleอย่างอย่างรอบคอบรัดกุมyaangL yaangL raawpF khaawpF ratH goomMcompletely and comprehensively; thoroughly; from stem to stern
phuuF bpohkL khraawngM khuaanM jaL haaR haehtL phohnR yaangL raawpF khaawpF haakL dekL theeF kheeuyM waaF naawnM saawnR ngaaiF geertL gaehkL maH raehkL kheunF maaM
"Parents should carefully find the reason why their children who had been obedient turn out to be increasingly unruly and misbehaved."
4. ความรอบคอบ  khwaamM raawpF khaawpF  [noun]
carefulness; thoroughness

dangM nanH phuuF lenF jaL thuukL feukL fohnR haiF meeM khwaamM raawpF khaawpF
"In that way, players are trained to be careful and thorough."

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