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khohnM ngaanM
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiคน-งาน
IPAkʰon ŋaːn
Royal Thai General Systemkhon ngan

workman; laborer; worker

classifierคน khohnM[numerical classifier for a person or occupation]
componentsคน khohnM[prefix designating a] person who [, as in the English suffix] -er [or] -or; [designating an occupation]
งาน ngaanMwork; job; duty; business; function; activity
synonymsกรรมกร gamM maH gaawnMunskilled laborer; workman
ผู้ใช้แรงงานphuuF chaiH raaengM ngaanMlaborer; workman; [politically correct term for กรรมกร ]
related wordsกรรมกร gamM maH gaawnMunskilled laborer; workman
ผู้ทำงานphuuF thamM ngaanMworker
พนักงาน phaH nakH ngaanMemployee; overseer; officer; official
examplesเป็นคนงานbpenM khohnM ngaanMto be a worker
ลอยแพคนงานlaawyM phaaeM khohnM ngaanMto lay off workers
กลุ่มคนงานในโรงสี กำลังทำงานกันอย่างอิดโรย
gloomL khohnM ngaanM naiM ro:hngM seeR gamM langM thamM ngaanM ganM yaangL itL rooyM
"A group of workers are toiling away wearily in the mill."
phuaakF khohnM ngaanM thamM ngaanM thaamF glaangM bplaayoM daaetL yaangL miH ruuH neuuayL
"The laborers work tirelessly under the burning sun."
haehtL theeF khohnM ngaanM baangM khohnM maaM saaiR nanH khohngM bpenM phrawH rohtH dtitL graL mangM
"The reason why some of the workers arrived late is perhaps that traffic was heavy."
khohnM ngaanM reuuH baanF gaoL lohngM
"The workers demolished the old house."
คนงานรื้อบ้านเก่าลง แต่บ้านไม่พัง
khohnM ngaanM reuuH baanF gaoL lohngM dtaaeL baanF maiF phangM
"The workers demolished the old house, but the house did not collapse."
khohnM ngaanM reuuH baanF gaoL bpaiM
"The workers demolished the old house."
khohnM ngaanM thoopH dteukL nanH siiaR
"The workers destroyed that building."
คนงานทุกคนต้องได้รับค่าจ้างขั้นต่ำตามกฎหมายไม่น้อยกว่า 180 บาทต่อวัน
khohnM ngaanM thookH khohnM dtawngF daiF rapH khaaF jaangF khanF dtamL dtaamM gohtL maaiR maiF naawyH gwaaL baatL dtaawL wanM
"Every worker must receive a legal minimum wage of no less than 180 baht per day."
pheeF chaaiM chaawpF maaM khlookH khleeM dteeM mo:hngM gapL phuaakF khohnM ngaanM thookH yenM johnM maaeF bohnL
"My brother liked to come and hang around with the workers every evening until my mother complained."
bpanM haaR daanF raaengM ngaanM raH waangL khohnM ngaanM jeenM gapL naaiM jaangF chaaoM yeeF bpoonL reermF gaawL dtuaaM
"Wage problems between Chinese workers and their Japanese bosses began to crop up."
thamM haiF meeM gaanM gaawL waawtL riiakF raawngH khaawR kheunF khaaF jaangF laeH saL watL diL gaanM khaawngR khohnM ngaanM jeenM geertL kheunF yaangL dtaawL neuuangF
"[These protests] caused a foment among Chinese workers to continuously demand higher wages and fringe benefits."
waiM roonF yohkH phuaakF dteeM gapL khohnM ngaanM gaawL saangF
"Teenagers gather forces to battle construction workers."
khohnM ngaanM thuukL yeuunF saawngM khaaoR dooyM maiF saapF haehtL phohnR khaawngR gaanM haiF aawkL jaakL ngaanM
"The worker was handed his walking papers without knowing why he was fired."
khohnM ngaanM khaawM bpohkL khaaoR
"white collar worker."
raanH guayR dtiaaoR huaaR moomM bpaakL saawyM bpitL raanH phrawH khohnM ngaanM phaH maaF saamR khohnM glapL baanF bpaiM laaeoH
"The noodle shop at the entrance to the alley closed its doors because three Burmese workers left for home."
naaiM jaangF gaawF siiaR daaiM khohnM ngaanM dtaaeL khitH waaF bplaawtL phaiM waiH gaawnL
"The boss felt bad for the workers but he figured that he should consider doing the safe thing first."
khraiM jaL glaaF rapH khohnM ngaanM waiH
"Who would dare hire [these] workers?"
khohnM ngaanM aehngM gaawF gluaaM dtitL khookH
"The workers themselves were afraid of being sent to jail."
บรรดาผู้บริหารเกรงว่า การนำรถหุ่นยนต์มาใช้งานจะทำให้คนงานไม่พอใจ
banM daaM phuuF baawM riH haanR graehngM waaF gaanM namM rohtH hoonL yohnM maaM chaiH ngaanM jaL thamM haiF khohnM ngaanM maiF phaawM jaiM
"Generally executives are afraid that employing robotic transport vehicles will create discontent among the workers."
ตำรวจก็มาที่รีสอร์ต และคุมตัวคนงานทั้งหมดไปสอบปากคำ
dtamM ruaatL gaawF maaM theeF reeM saawdL laeH khoomM dtuaaM khohnM ngaanM thangH mohtL bpaiM saawpL bpaakL khamM
"The police came to the resort and detained all the workers to question them."

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