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ไหว้  waiF 
contents of this page
1.ไหว้waiFwai, the respectful Thai (and Lao) gesture of thanks, apology, or greeting; to (give a) wai
2.ไหว้waiFto wai; to make the wai prayer gesture
3.การไหว้gaanM waiFmaking the wai gesture

Royal Institute - 1982
ไหว้  /ไหฺว้/
[กริยา] ทำความเคารพโดยยกมือขึ้นประนม.

pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiไว่
Royal Thai General Systemwai

1.   [noun]
wai, the respectful Thai (and Lao) gesture of thanks, apology, or greeting; to (give a) wai

synonymsพนมมือphaH nohmM meuuMto press one's hand together as a sign of respect
สาธุ saaR thooHto salute; to make obeisance (to); to pay respects (to)
related wordนมัสการ naH matH saL gaanMto worship; to pay respects (to); to pay homage (to); to pay obeisance (to); pay salutation to
examplesผ้าไหว้phaaF waiFarticles of clothing given by the groom to his parents-in-law after marriage
ไหว้ครูwaiF khruuM[in มวยไทย , Thai kick-boxing] the individualized reverential dance performed by the kickboxer before a bout to honor his master
หน้าไหว้หลังหลอกnaaF waiF langR laawkL[is] hypocritical; say one thing, do another
ไหว้วานwaiF waanMto ask for help; request someone to do something
ขนมไหว้พระจันทร์khaL nohmR waiF phraH janMmoon cake [made for the เทศกาลไหว้พระจันทร์]
เทศกาลไหว้พระจันทร์thaehtF saL gaanM waiF phraH janMmid-autumn Moon Festival
ไหว้ครูwaiF khruuMto perform a ceremony to pay respects to one's teacher
พิธีไหว้ครูphiH theeM waiF khruuMceremony paying respect to one's teacher
ของรับไหว้khaawngR rapH waiFa gift to a bride and groom from a respected person; major wedding gift
ยกมือไหว้yohkH meuuM waiFto raise one's hands in greeting
คงถวายดอกมะลิไหว้พระ วรรณจึงได้นวลขาว
khohngM thaL waaiR daawkL maH liH waiF phraH wanM jeungM daiF nuaanM khaaoR
"You must have presented jasmine flowers to the gods [in supplication] to have been granted such white skin."
gaanM waiF bpenM bpraL phaehM neeM yaangL neungL khaawngR chaaoM thaiM
"The act of the “wai” or paying respect is a Thai tradition."
ถือกันว่าเด็กหรือผู้น้อยควรไหว้ผู้ใหญ่ก่อน และคนธรรมดาควรไหว้พระ
theuuR ganM waaF dekL reuuR phuuF naawyH khuaanM waiF phuuF yaiL gaawnL laeH khohnM thamM maH daaM khuaanM waiF phraH
"It is our custom that children or persons of a lower status are supposed to “wai” their seniors first, and laypersons are obliged to “wai” monks."
ถ้าท่านเป็นผู้ไหว้ท่านควรก้มศีรษะเล็กน้อย ยกมือทั้งสองขึ้นประนมให้ปลายนิ้วชี้จดปลายจมูก
thaaF thanF bpenM phuuF waiF thanF khuaanM gohmF seeR saL lekH naawyH yohkH meuuM thangH saawngR kheunF bpraL nohmM haiF bplaaiM niuH cheeH johtL bplaaiM jaL muukL
"If you are the person initiating the “wai” you should lift both hands, palms facing each other, and the tip of the index finger touching the tip of your nose."
หากท่านเป็นผู้รับไหว้ ท่านเพียงยกมือประนมตอบ แต่มือที่ประนมไม่จำเป็นจะต้องอยู่สูงเหมือนอย่างผู้ไหว้
haakL thanF bpenM phuuF rapH waiF thanF phiiangM yohkH meuuM bpraL nohmM dtaawpL dtaaeL meuuM theeF bpraL nohmM maiF jamM bpenM jaL dtawngF yuuL suungR meuuanR yaangL phuuF waiF
"If you are the person receiving the “wai”, you merely lift your hands with the same gesture in response but you need not lift your hands as high as the person who initiates the “wai” gesture."
. เมื่อมีคนไหว้ท่าน ท่านควรไหว้ตอบ
neungL meuuaF meeM khohnM waiF thanF thanF khuaanM waiF dtaawpL
"1. When someone pays you respect by a 'wai', you should respond with a 'wai'."
meuuaF imL khaaoF gaawF jaL waiF khaawpL khoonM maaeF pho:hM sohpL
"When [you] finish eating, [you] should “wai” to express thanks to Mae Posop."
nakH riianM thaH yaawyM ganM kheunF maaM waiF khruuM naiM ngaanM wanM waiF khruuM
"The students came up one after the other to pay their respects to their teacher during the Teachers’ Day ceremonies."
แล้วก็ตัดสินใจพนมมือไหว้ไปรอบห้อง แล้วพูดว่า
laaeoH gaawF dtatL sinR jaiM phaH nohmM meuuM waiF bpaiM raawpF haawngF laaeoH phuutF waaF
"Then, I decided to raise my hands in supplication all around the room and proclaim,..."
phuutF johpL gaawF yohkH meuuM theeF naaF phaakL laaeoH waiF raawpF thitH raawpF haawngF eekL khrangH gaawnL jaL luupF seeR saL dtuaaM aehngM
"Once he finished speaking he raised his hands to his forehead in supplication and bowed in to all directions around the room one more time before rubbing his own head."
อีกรับของ ส่งของ หนูต้องไหว้
eekL rapH khaawngR sohngL khaawngR nuuR dtawngF waiF
"When you receive or give something, you must “wai” in response."
อีกพ่อแม่ ไหว้เช้าเย็น เป็นสิ่งดี
eekL phaawF maaeF waiF chaaoH yenM bpenM singL deeM
"“Wai” your parents morning and evening; it is the right thing to do."
2.   [verb]
to wai; to make the wai prayer gesture

synonymอภิวันท์aL phiH wanMto salute, greet, pay respect to
related wordsคำนับkhamM napHto pay respect to; show repect to
อัญชลีanM chaH leeMputting one's hands together in supplication
examplesไหว้พระwaiF phraHto pray to a Buddha image; pay one's respect to the Buddha image; pay one's respect to monks
ไหว้ปลกwaiF bplohkLto raise one's hands in a wai gesture again and again
กราบไหว้graapL waiFto prostrate oneself as a sign of religious respect
เซ่นไหว้senF waiFto make offerings to the spirits
แม่โพสพ เป็นเทพธิดาที่ได้รับความเคารพนับถือกราบไหว้มาแต่โบราณกาล...
maaeF pho:hM sohpL bpenM thaehpF thiH daaM theeF daiF rapH khwaamM khaoM rohpH napH theuuR graapL waiF maaM dtaaeL bo:hM raanM naH gaanM
"Mae Posop has been respected and revered as a goddess from time immemorial..."
thuuhrM gaawF yohkH meuuM waiF maawR
"She raised her hands to greet the doctor."
คุณหมอ- "เอ่อ ก็เมื่อตะกี้ คุณนายยกมือไหว้ตู้เย็น"
khoonM maawR uuhrL gaawF meuuaF dtaL geeF khoonM naaiM yohkH meuuM waiF dtuuF yenM
"The Doctor: “Well, just now, you raised your hands and greeted the refrigerator.”"
3. การไหว้  gaanM waiF  [noun]
making the wai gesture

naiM watH thaH naH thamM thaiM gaanM waiF dtawngF gohmF huaaR reuuR khaawmH huaaR lohngM duayF
"According to Thai culture, when you perform the “wai” gesture, you should also bow your head as well."

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