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chaaiM noomL
pronunciation guide
Phonemic Thaiชาย-หฺนุ่ม
IPAtɕʰaːj nùm
Royal Thai General Systemchai num

young man

componentsชาย chaaiMmale
หนุ่ม noomLyouthful; boyish
yingR saaoR maiF ruuH waaF jaL thamM graL raiM deeM duayF bpraL maaL saaiR dtaaM chaaiM noomL
"The girl doesn't know what to do, for she feels awkward with the man's staring."
chaaiM noomL khohnM nanH jepL jaiM meuuaF ruuH dtuaaM waaF thuukL pheuuanF yingR laawkL maaM dtaL laawtL waehM laaM
"That fellow was really hurt and resentful when he found out that his girlfriend was lying to him the whole time."
ชายหนุ่มหญิงสาวคุยกันกระหนุงกระหนิงจนคนอื่น ๆ อิจฉา
chaaiM noomL yingR saaoR khuyM ganM graL noongR graL ningR johnM khohnM euunL euunL itL chaaR
"The boy and girl whispered sweet nothings to each other, so much so that others were envious of them."
bpenM theeF rakH khaawngR chaaiM chaH raaM deeM gwaaL bpenM thaatF khaawngR chaaiM noomL
"Better to be a lover of an old man, than the slave of a youth."
ในขณะนั้นเป็นเรื่องที่ผิดศีลธรรมและรับไม่ได้ ที่ชายหนุ่มจะรักกับผู้หญิงที่แก่กว่า เพื่อหลีกหนีพวกปากตลาดและการดูถูกของสังคมทั้งคู่ตัดสินใจพากันหนีและอาศัยอยู่ในถ้ำ
naiM khaL naL nanH bpenM reuuangF theeF phitL seenR laH thamM laeH rapH maiF daiF theeF chaaiM noomL jaL rakH gapL phuuF yingR theeF gaaeL gwaaL pheuuaF leekL neeR phuaakF bpaakL dtaL laatL laeH gaanM duuM thuukL khaawngR sangR khohmM thangH khuuF dtatL sinR jaiM phaaM ganM neeR laeH aaM saiR yuuL naiM thamF
"At that time, it was both immoral and socially unacceptable for a young man to fall in love with an older woman. In order to avoid the town gossips and the censure of society, the couple decided to elope and live in a cave."
raH dapL naangM ngaamM yaangL thuuhrM khohngM maiF maawngM chaaiM noomL kheeF riuH kheeF rehL haiF siiaR waehM laaM raawkL
"A woman of your beauty would not even for a second waste time looking at an ugly guy like me."
chaaiM noomL khohnM neungL deernM bpaaoL raawngH bpaiM dtaamM baatL wiH theeR theeF neuuangM naaenF bpaiM duayF fuungR chohnM
"A young man walked down the sidewalk, which was crowded with people, loudly publicizing [something or other]."
เธอรู้สึกขัดเขินทุกครั้งที่พบหน้าวิทย์ ชายหนุ่มที่เธอแอบชอบอยู่
thuuhrM ruuH seukL khatL kheernR thookH khrangH theeF phohpH naaF witH chaaiM noomL theeF thuuhrM aaepL chaawpF yuuL
"She felt embarrassed every time she met Wit, the boy she secretly admired."
chaaoM baanF theeF cheuuaF waaF chaaiM noomL dtawngF aaM thanR johnM bpenM baaF daiF rengF jatL haaR maawR pheeR maaM thamM phiH theeM thaangM saiR yaH saatL
"The villagers who believed that the young man must have been so cursed that he became crazed, hurried to arrange for a witch doctor to perform an exorcism."
phraH reuuM seeR bplaaengM gaaiM bpenM chaaiM noomL
"The hermit transformed himself into a young man."
ชายหนุ่มคนหนึ่งได้รับเชิญ จากมหาวิทยาลัยเอกชนเพื่อให้เป็นวิทยากรพิเศษ สอนวิชาปรัชญา ให้กับนักศึกษาปริญญาโท
chaaiM noomL khohnM neungL daiF rapH cheernM jaakL maH haaR witH thaH yaaM laiM aehkL gaL chohnM pheuuaF haiF bpenM witH thaH yaaM gaawnM phiH saehtL saawnR wiH chaaM bpratL yaaM haiF gapL nakH seukL saaR bpaL rinM yaaM tho:hM
"A young man was invited by a private university to be an special lecturer in philosophy to a group of master’s degree students."
chaaiM noomL haaeL haawmF laawmH ganM maaM gapL bangF faiM
"The young men got together and surrounded themselves with rockets."
chaaiM noomL aanL nangR seuuR phimM
"A young man was reading a newspaper."
chaaoM baanF cheuuaF waaF chaaiM noomL dtawngF aaM thanR johnM bpenM baaF daiF rengF jatL haaR maawR pheeR maaM thamM phiH theeM thaangM saiR yaH saatL
"Village people believe that a young man needs act in an evil and bizarre manner before they call on a witch-doctor to perform an exorcism."
chaaiM noomL khohnM neungL deernM khaoF bpaiM raanH khaaiR yaaM laaeoH baawkL phaehM satL chaH gaawnM waaF
"A young man walked into a pharmacy and said the following to the pharmacist..."
phaehM satL chaH gaawnM gaawF yeuunF thoongR yaangM haiF chaaiM noomL
"The pharmacist give the young man a condom."
naiM khaL naL theeF gamM langM jaL deernM aawkL jaakL naawkF raanH chaaiM noomL gaawF hanR langR glapL phraawmH baawkL waaF
"While [the young man] was walking out of the store, he turned around and came back saying,..."
naiM khaL naL theeF chaaiM noomL khohnM nanH gamM langM deernM aawkL jaakL raanH khaoR gaawF hanR glapL maaM eekL khrangH laaeoH baawkL waaF
"As he was walking out of the pharmacy, the young man turned around and came back yet again saying,..."
ระหว่างอาหารเย็น ชายหนุ่มนั่งตรงกลางระหว่างแฟนและน้องสาว
raH waangL aaM haanR yenM chaaiM noomL nangF dtrohngM glaangM raH waangL faaenM laeH naawngH saaoR
"At dinner, the young man sat between his girlfriend and her sister."
เมื่อพ่อของแฟนกลับมา ชายหนุ่มก็เริ่มสวดมนต์ก่อนอาหารเย็น
meuuaF phaawF khaawngR faaenM glapL maaM chaaiM noomL gaawF reermF suaatL mohnM gaawnL aaM haanR yenM
"When his girlfriend’s father came home, the young man began to say grace before dinner."
sipL naaM theeM phaanL bpaiM chaaiM noomL yangM maiF yaawmM yootL suaatL muaaM dtaaeL gohmF naaF
"Ten minutes past but the young man still would not stop praying; he just kept his head bowed."
faaenM saaoR jeungM graL sipH baawkL chaaiM noomL waaF
"So, his girlfriend whispered to the young man,..."
ชายหนุ่มตอบว่า ผมไม่รู้ว่าพ่อคุณเป็นเภสัชกร
chaaiM noomL dtaawpL waaF phohmR maiF ruuH waaF phaawF khoonM bpenM phaehM satL chaH gaawnM
"The young man answered, “I didn’t know that your father was a pharmacist!”"
saawngR saamR naaM theeM phaanL bpaiM chaaiM noomL gaawF yangM gohmF naaF suaatL mohnM yuuL
"Several minutes passed while the young many continued to bow his head and pray."
ชายหนุ่ม- "บ้านคุณอยู่ไกล ซอยเปลี่ยว อันตราย ให้ผมไปส่งดีกว่า
chaaiM noomL baanF khoonM yuuL glaiM saawyM bpliaaoL anM dtaL raaiM haiF phohmR bpaiM sohngL deeM gwaaL
Young man: "You house is far from here and the street is deserted and dangerous. Let me drive you home."
ชายหนุ่ม- ไม่เป็นไรครับ ผมถอยหลังผ่านตลอดออกได้
chaaiM noomL maiF bpenM raiM khrapH phohmR thaawyR langR phaanL dtaL laawtL aawkL daiF
Young man: "No worries. I can back my car up all the way out."

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